
A bed day for everyone

A BAD DAY FOR everyone

Today during Chinese Art lesson some students disturbed the class. They were chatting very loud. The teacher got very angry.

Sunny is my classmate. He pulled his shirt up in the classroom. The teacher didn’t see but the whole class saw his underwear.

He got up onto my desk and started jumping. I pulled him down and told him to stop being silly. I told the teacher.
The teacher scolded Sunny.

After the lesson Sunny had to write about what happened in the classroom in 500 words. Oh Boy !!!!!!!

We had to write 200 words (better than him) I was very unhappy. I only told Sunny to get down from the desk but I was not silly in the class.

Today we had to go down to the playground for training. We needed to learn how to line up. Many of the students don’t know how to line up.

Sunny pulled his shirt up onto his head again. We can see his belly button. We told him to stop it but he didn’t listen. The teacher caught him again.

Now he has to write 600 words in Chinese for his essay. I hope this will teach him a lesson.

Day dreaming

Day Dreaming

Today when I was at school, during the recess time I was day dreaming about a funny spy story.

It was all about a silly spy. When a spy has a mission he needs to get the information from the Head Quarter.

This silly spy read his instruction upside down. The read everything in reverse.

1. He went to the bank to get 10 billion.

2. He took the money and gave it to the wrong people.

3. What a careless spy.

4. At the end my classmate woke me up.

5. It was all a dream.


Thank god it was only a dream. Otherwise the silly spy would be in so much trouble. If this was my spy I will sack him. And punch him as well.